Yadanar Rice Mill

Project Overview

Project Capacity: 75 kWp
Location: Rakhine State, Myanmar
Annual Generation: 102 MWh
Annual CO2 emission reduction: 76 Metric ton
Module: Jinko (380W)
Inverter: Huawei (60kW)

Yadanar Rice Mill started the business in 2005 and ran the rice mill with the boiler in the early years of production. The machine can produce 25 tons at a time.  In 2015, the client installed 2 transformers and built a new factory that can produce 70 tons of rice at a time. Despite the fact that the rice mill is located in the least developed area of the country, our client is not left behind in using renewable energy and saving money.

At the early stage of business, the client only traded in the Rakhine region. Since 2010, the client started exporting different standards of rice to the Middle part of Myanmar and the Eastern part of Myanmar. The client also exported to Bangladesh from 2015 to 2017 by border trade.

Since the product is high quality, the client’s rice mill is famous and they got many orders from many locations. However, our client is still trying to supply all of the orders that they receive.

As you can imagine, our client’s aims and objectives are ‘producing more qualified rice in a short time and meeting our customers' demand’.

In 2020, the client invested in the solar system and could successfully install it with the help of Indigo Energy. The client consumes less energy from the grid and could reduce the 25% of monthly electricity expenses. This is the direct impact to the client and thanks to solar. Moreover, by reducing the electricity demand from the grid in general, more energy will be available to serve the needs of other industrial users and residential consumers. This benefit will impact residents especially for the client’s nearby small town as the electricity availability there has historically been weak. If other factories follow our client’s lead even more electricity will be in the system for everyone to use.