Our Projects

Our Projects Around The World


    • 35+ Solar EPC projects and completed 2800+ kWp
    • Pre feasibility study for 9 villages
    • Commercial Support

    Technical feasibility study for ~11MW rooftop solar project

    • GIS Profiling for solar farms and carbon capture projects
    • Artist impression

    • Plan sets (solar panel, solar shingles, EV charger)
    • Commercial support

    • Commercial support

  6. Samoa
    • Commercial support

Number Counting






Years of Experience

0 US States

Finished Plan Set and Commercial Support

0 kWp

In progress and completed installed solar capacity

0 Projects

Commercial Support

Indigo Energy installed 333 kWp ongrid solar CPC Hlaing Tharyar

This video shows the installation of a solar system for Commercial Plastic Company.

This project is an on-grid solar system, and the financing option used is a bank loan.

If you are interested in installing solar but are worried about the investment, Indigo Energy offers various solar financing options, including bank loans.

So, if you are thinking about going solar, consider Indigo Energy first!

Indigo Energy installed 76 kWp ongrid solar ILBC Myeik

You may be aware that Indigo Energy installed a solar project in Myeik, as previously mentioned in our social media posts.

This project was a delightful experience filled with fond memories of the charming Myeik dialect, the proactive attitude of the local people, and the delicious seafood.

We're excited to install more solar projects in Myeik and please also take a moment to watch the video below to see where we have set up the solar system.

Indigo Energy installed 87 kWp ongrid solar ZLP Magladon

The video you’re about to watch showcases Indigo Energy’s installation of an 87 kWp on-grid solar system for the Zuellig Pharma Warehouse in Yangon. Since this solar project was installed during the rainy season, the Indigo Energy team took extra precautions to ensure safety during the installation process. In this video, you'll see footage of the solar installation by the Indigo Energy team, as well as the ribbon-cutting ceremony with members of the Zuellig Pharma Yangon Warehouse family. Let's take a closer look!

Solar EPC Project References

Commercial and Industrial Projects

  • BAF Pig Farm

    Project Capacity: 501.72 kWp

    Location: Mhawbi, Yangon Region, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 459.175 MWh

    Module: Risen (670W)

    Inverter: Huawei (100kW)

  • Commercial Plastics Company

    Project Capacity: 333 kWp

    Location: Hlaing Tharyar, Yangon Region, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 450 MWh

    Module: JA (565W)

    Inverter: Huawei (100kW)

  • Zuellig Pharma Warehouse

    Project Capacity: 87 kWp

    Location: Megalodon, Yangon Region, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 9.3 MWh

    Module: Longi (550W)

    Inverter: Sungrow (100kW)

  • Aqua Myeik Premium Seafood Factory

    Project Capacity: 62 kWp

    Location: Myeik, Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 83.25 MWh

    Module: JA (595W)

    Inverter: Huawei (50kW)

  • Moe Ma Kha Ice Factory

    Project Capacity: 75 kWp

    Location: Kyaik Kha Me, Mon State, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 96.61 MWh

    Module: JA (595W)

    Inverter: Huawei (100kW)

  • ILBC Myeil


    Project Capacity: 76 kWp

    Location: Myeik, Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 50 MWh

    Module: JA (595W)

    Inverter: Huawei (100kW)

  • Installed solar panels in school

    SAG School

    Project Capacity: 37.4 kWp

    Location: Taunggyi, Shan State, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 50 MWh

    Module: JA (550W)

    Inverter: Sungrow (10kW)

  • solar panels on rice mill

    Yadanar Rice Mill

    Project Capacity: 75 kWp

    Location: Rakhine State, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 102 MWh

    Annual CO2 emission reduction: 76 Metric ton

    Module: Jinko (380W)

    Inverter: Huawei (60kW)

  • solar system for hotel in dawei


    Project Capacity: 19.2 kWp

    Location: Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 26 MWh

    Annual CO2 emission reduction: 16 Metric ton

    Module: Jinko (400W)

    Inverter: Growatt (5kW)

  • solar panel installation on the rooftop of Chaung Thar Lodge

    Chaung Thar Lodge Hotel

    Project Capacity: 75.4 kWp

    Location: Ayeyarwaddy Region, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 102 MWh

    Annual CO2 emission reduction: 76 Metric ton

    Module: Jinko (380W)

    Inverter: Huawei (60kW)

  • solar system for shopping mall

    Junction Square

    Project Capacity: 372.4 kWp

    Location: Yangon Region, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 504 MWh

    Annual CO2 emission reduction: 374 Metric ton

    Module: GCL (380W)

    Inverter: Huawei (100kW)

  • rooftop solar system for rice mill

    Dana Thahar Ya Rice Mill

    Project Capacity: 75.4 kWp

    Location: Ayeyarwaddy Region, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 99 MWh

    Annual CO2 emission reduction: 61 Metric ton

    Module: Jinko (325W)

    Inverter: Huawei (60kW)

  • solar system for a biscuit factory


    Project Capacity: 86.4 kWp

    Location: Yangon Region, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 113 MWh

    Annual CO2 emission reduction: 84 Metric ton

    Module: Jinko (325W)

    Inverter: Huawei (36kW)

  • solar panels on the rooftop of hospital

    Mediland Hospital

    Project Capacity: 80.4 kWp

    Location: Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar

    Annual Generation: 109 MWh

    Annual CO2 emission reduction: 67 Metric ton

    Module: Jinko (270W)

    Inverter: SMA (25kW)

Mini-Grid Projects

  • Mini-grid solar project


    Indigo Energy installed a 51.5 kWp mini-grid solar system in Tha Jet Kan village, Myeik, Tanintharyi Region. This project was led by project engineer, May Yupar Myint, who has 5-years experience in the solar industry.

Engineering Services Project References

  • Solar Developer

    Location: Japan

    Scope: ETAP load flow analysis, Any other work necessary to provide the services described above

  • Solar Developer

    Location: United States of America

    Scope: PVsyst

  • Internatinal Organization

    Location: Samoa

    Scope: Reviewing all drawings and design calculations provided by the Contractor, Documentation and Reporting

  • Solar Developer

    Location: Thailand

    Scope: Sketchup 3D, PVsyst PDF, project file, Homer


    Solar Developer

    Location: USA

    Scope: Prepare SketchUp model layout for the carport, Prepare PVsyst, Provide Interconnection point and other information BOM

  • Solar panel layout in Sketchup

    Energy Developer

    Location: Myanmar

    Scope: Go site visit for roof investigation, Propose the minimum indicators of photovoltaic panels and submit the preliminary layout design, Determine the optimal azimuth and inclination angle, design installation drawings, brackets and fixture material lists, and installation material lists, Design electrical equipment installation, cable arrangement

  • Solar panel layout in Sketchup

    Energy Developer

    Location: Myanmar

    Scope: Basic BOM, Basic single line diagram (SLD), PV layout sketchup 3D (Rooftop), PVsyst , Homer for two commercial buildings and one residential building, Detailed site survey (optional and if the client cannot provide the required data)

  • Engineering Consulting Firm

    Location: United States of America

    Scope: AutoCAD, Solar array layout, Sketchup, PVsyst

  • Solar Developer

    Location: Australia

    Scope: Collect, assess and research data; Create database using Google Earth and QGIS for 106 solar farms, 48 wind projects, 12 BESS developments

  • Solar Developer

    Location: Japan

    Scope: Provide IFS drawings (1) Module layout (2) Rack numbering (3) Cable trench layout (4) Cable trench section (5) Main DC cable layout (6) SLD DC overall (7) Array wiring layout (8) Array wiring details (9) String layout (10) Grounding layout (11) Grounding layout details (12) Conduit layout

  • Solar Developer

    Location: Singapore

    Scope: Provide authority submission drawings for 8 substations (8 interconnection points) including module layout, SCDF submission drawings

  • Solar panel layout of 3.5 MW solar project

    Solar Developer

    Location: Thailand

    Project capacity: 3.5 MW

    Scope: Calculate the BOM including the components of the solar system; solar panel, inverter, cable, tray,conduit, monitoring device and installation accessories; Draw the single line diagram (one line diagram); Draw the solar panel layout in AutoCad

  • Visualized image of 70 MW solar project

    Renewables Developer

    Location: Laos

    Project capacity: 70 MW

    Scope: Create the SketchUp 3D model of the solar project

  • solar system report by Solar Pro Tool

    Solar Shingles Manufacturer

    Location: Europe, Japan

    Scope: Draw solar system in Solar Pro Tool (SPT), Draw the roof layout, Draw solar (shingle) layout including stringing and PV wiring, Draw electrical single line diagram (one line diagram) including AC wiring, Calculate string table and fill in the client’s template

  • solar panel layout in sketchup

    Solar Developer

    Location: Singapore

    Scope: Draw solar panel layout in sketchup, Do the solar simulation in PVsyst, Calculate the basic BOM, Review the load profile data provided by the client and analyze the data

  • solar system drawing in Aurora

    Solar Shingles Manufacturer

    Location: United States of America

    Scope: Draw solar system in Aurora (new construction and existing building) and SPT, Iterate between the two to finalize the system design, Update cost estimate with information from Aurora

  • single line diagram

    Plan Sets

    Location: United States of America

    Scope: Ascertain the existing electrical system onsite, Prepare and revise drawings in compliance with relevant AHJ requirements

  • solar panel layout

    American Solar Developer

    Location: United States of America

    Scope: Prepare HelioScope simulation report, Prepare voltage drop and cable sizing calculation

  • artist impression

    Australian Solar Developer

    Location: Australia

    Scope: Creating a 3D model, Rendering for the photo-realistic view of the project, Suggesting and rendering mitigation measures

  • gis profilling for solar

    Australian Solar Developer

    Location: Australia

    Scope: Data Sourcing, Data Processing, Recognizing suitable areas for solar

  • Engineering Assessment for utility scale projects in Myanmar

    Regional Renewables Developer

    Location: Myanmar

    Project capacity: 30MW and 50MW

    Scope: Utility-Scale Tender Technical Documentation Preparation , Engineering Assessment

  • solar system output

    Philippines Real Estate Developer

    Location: Philippines

    Project capacity: 11MWp

    Scope: Feasibility Study including Energy Yield Assessment, Structural Analysis, Key Equipment Recommendation, Conceptual Design, Contract Support from a Techno-commercial Perspective

  • solar panel layout in Helioscope

    Japanese Renewables Developer

    Location: Southeast Asia

    Project capacity: 100+ projects and 35+MWp in total

    Scope: Provide energy yield assessment (EYA) with PVsyst, Draw solar panel layout in Helioscope, consolidate with project-specific information in the AutoCAD format provided by the client

  • GIZ


    Location: Myanmar

    Scope: Provide power monitoring data collection and analysis for three different aquaculture industries. Specifically High-quality installation of a load measurement device, Basic processing of raw data output, Basic presentation, and overview of results

  • IE team talking with villagers

    Philippines Solar Developer

    Location: Myanmar

    Project capacity: Approximate 900kWp

    Scope: Prepare pre-feasibility study for 9 villages located in Shan State and Chin State under DRD Min-Grid CfP2 program

  • solar power for Telenor


    Location: Myanmar

    Scope: Retrofit Solution of an Existing Site, Pre-packaged Container Solution (Solar modules and Battery)

  • International Organization

    Location: Thailand

    Scope: Reviewing all drawings and design calculations provided by the Contractor, Documentation and Reporting

 Home and Office Projects

Since 2018, Indigo Energy has been installing home and office solar projects for clients throughout Myanmar.  We have built not only on-grid projects to reduce their electricity consumption during the daytime but also hybrid projects to be green and provide power supply during blackout time. 

Smart Myanmar, Thant Myanmar, Vision Fund Myanmar, and World Wildlife Fund (WWF-Myanmar) are the Non-Governmental Organizations that have utilized rooftop solar solutions upon their buildings hand in hand with Indigo Energy.

They have done their part to fight climate change as much as they can by creating the Green Environment and have proved their commitment to renewable energy sources. 

Indigo Energy installed solar at the West Indochina office & Turquoise Mountain office

Operation and Maintenance Projects

With 11+ years of experience and a strong track record in providing solar power in Myanmar, we have expertise in operation and maintenance for solar projects. Along with accurate techniques and high-standard quality equipment, our O&M service mainly includes monitoring, reporting, preventative and corrective maintenance.

Indigo Energy’s experienced and qualified industry professionals can offer comprehensive, technical, and progressive O&M services for the client’s solar projects as well which were not installed by Indigo Energy itself.

In late 2023, preventive maintenance services were provided at the Myanmar Biscuit Factory in Shwepyithar Township.