We perform GIS profiling with a special focus on utility-scale renewable energy projects like solar and wind farms.
GIS Profiling
A geographic information system (GIS) is a technological tool for comprehending geography and making intelligent decisions. With the ability to combine a variety of datasets in an infinite number of ways, GIS is a valuable tool for nearly every field of knowledge.
GIS is used to map the solar potential in a specific region in the solar industry. The spatial database of resource availability and the demand help in the regional solar energy planning.
Our Experience with GIS
With more than 10 years of in-depth solar experience and precise knowledge of the capacity concerning GIS profiling, Indigo Energy helps developers and investors to define the optimal location of solar systems for energy generation. After considering the techniques for data treatment and assessing the parameters needed, we identify suitable solar areas close to transmission lines and outside of unsuitable areas, i.e., incorrect land-use zoning or protected areas.
There are three stages in our scope of work:
1. Data sourcing
2. Data processing
3. Recognizing suitable areas for solar
Firstly, the map of unsuitable regions is prepared based on the related constraints such as urban lands, cultural heritage, watercourses, wildlife, conservation areas, national parks, etc. To identify the suitability of the remaining regions, we source the required data, such as transmission line maps, protected areas, land use zones, etc., from credible national and regional databases. We use the most accurate data sources and confirm the completeness and adequacy of data used as inputs to the GIS Profiling.
Secondly, during data processing, the criteria, including solar insolation, average annual temperatures, distance from power transmission lines, distance from major roads, distance from the residential area, elevation (altitude above sea level), slope, land use, average annual cloudy days, average annual humidity and average annual dusty days are identified. The relative weights of these criteria and sub-criteria are also determined. Then, we generate a 10-kilometers boundary around the target transmission line and remove unsuitable areas using data processing tools.
Finally, we identify the suitable areas for tapping solar energy by overlaying these criteria layers. With our expertise, independence and transparency, we deliver the outcome or map of the suitability of regions for exploiting solar PV plants and provide our reliable analysis for potential solar areas to our clients.
Our Other Expert Services
We provide residential and commercial PV system plan sets.
We provide top-quality commercial support for your projects.
Artist Impression/Photomontage
We provide accurate visualization for your solar and energy storage projects.