Indigo Spotlight on Administrator, Swan Htet

For today’s employee spotlight, we will be featuring Swan Htet who has been working as an administrator at Indigo Energy for more than two years. He always plans and thinks strategically; and his effort and hard work are not just in office administration but also in other various parts of engineering and operation. He helps and supports his team members to smooth their projects while balancing his multiple tasks simultaneously. 

Employee Spotlight: Swan Htet

Position: Administrator

  1. Three words to best describe you: Hard-working, Class-clown, Helpful

  2. Motto or personal mantra: Be nice and helpful to everyone.

  3. The book that changed the way you think: Extreme Ownership 

  4. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?: Reaching Senior-Management Level in my career and establishing a small business for my family

  5. True leadership means to you: A person who can motivate team members to believe in themselves and complete their missions

  6. The funniest or smartest person in the room? Why?: I would be a busy bee in the room. But, if I have to choose between funniest and smartest, I would choose funniest since I love to make people laugh.

  7. Can’t live without: Internet, Books

  8. Three words to describe Indigo Energy: Flexible, Exciting, Fun

  9. The most unique part about working at Indigo Energy: Some of the organizations just go with the traditional way rather than improving their systems. In Indigo Energy, we are never hesitant to analyze our process and systems. All of the people are eager to make new and better changes.

  10. Favorite part of being a member of Indigo Energy: Being part of a professional team 

  11. Definition of your success at Indigo Energy: Becoming a reliable and trustworthy person of everyone in the workplace because of my working quality

  12. The most challenging experience at Indigo Energy: I did not have prior experience with recruiting before I reached Indigo Energy. As soon as I reach Indigo Energy, I have to handle the 250+ candidates that applied for engineering positions at the company. I have to send and collect back and forth all of the required data from them manually and it consumes my time like a blackhole. Now, I developed a better recruiting process based on that experience and all of my headaches are gone. With the new recruitment process, we can filter the qualified candidates step by step and select the valuable employees, which is our end result.

  13. How has Indigo Energy helped you in your career development?: I gained tons of exciting experiences like accounting, operation and maintenance, recruiting, logistics, and leadership. I’m always using these experiences to upgrade my work quality and develop my career.


Indigo Spotlight on Lead Solar Engineer, Robin Ye Linn Htun


Indigo Energy participated in the renewable energy workshop.